本プログラムでは。 リテラシー、コンピテンシー、国際競争力を涵養し、また自らの専門分野をより広い分野へと拡張するための課目を設定しています。
卓越大学院演習Ⅰ 卓越大学院演習Ⅱ 卓越大学院特別講義Ⅰ 卓越大学院特別講義Ⅱ 卓越プロフェッショナル論 卓越コミュニケーション論 社会空間マネジメント俯瞰講義 社会空間マネジメント分野交流実習 国際社会空間マネジメント実習 エネルギーイニシアティブ特論Ⅰ エネルギーイニシアティブ特論Ⅱ エネルギーイニシアティブ特論Ⅲ エネルギーイニシアティブ特論Ⅳ エネルギーイニシアティブ特論Ⅴ 国際連携特別講義Ⅰ 国際連携特別講義Ⅱ 国際連携特別講義Ⅲ 国際連携特別講義Ⅳ |
課目の詳細はこちら[PDF] *本プログラムの修了には、各専攻での修了要件を満たすとともに、上記科目より12単位の取得が必要となります。 |
- 企業の実務者と協働するインターンシップ(2ヶ月~6ヶ月)
- 産業界からの課題提供による博士課程PBL
- 世界トップ大学の博士学生とともに国際共同研究提案を議論するサマーキャンプ
- 海外武者修行
- 海外大学との共同研究
- 海外研究機関・企業との議論を行う国際ワークショップ
選抜審査、Qualifying Examination(M2修了時点)、修了審査などを実施することで、世界標準の研究教育の質を保証します。 また、本プログラムでは、修士論文の位置付けやその時期などについての柔軟化を検討します。
なお、本コースの学生には、奨励金やRA(リサーチアシスタント)経費などの経済支援を受ける機会を提供します。 また、産業界などでの実践を経て、改めて博士学位の価値を認識した場合には、博士課程からの入学も考慮します。
We aim to acquire the basic and professional knowledge to forge a future society, to understand different areas of expertise, and to uncover global academic and social challenges and implementing solutions.
This program provides the subjects to cultivate a literacy, competency, and international competitiveness, as well as to learn wide range of disciplines.
WINGS Seminar Ⅰ WINGS Seminar Ⅱ WINGS Special Lecture Ⅰ WINGS Special Lecture Ⅱ Management Skills for Excellent Professionals Communication Skills for Excellent Professionals Higher Perspectives for Management of Built Environment Interdisciplinary Practice for Management of Built Environment International Practice for Management of Built Environment Energy Initiative Advanced Course Ⅰ Energy Initiative Advanced Course Ⅱ Energy Initiative Advanced Course Ⅲ Energy Initiative Advanced Course Ⅳ Energy Initiative Advanced Course Ⅴ International Special Lecture I International Special Lecture II International Special Lecture III International Special Lecture IV |
For more information.[PDF] *To finish this program, 12 more credits from above subjects are required in addition to satisfaction of requirements for a major. |
In particular, the following will be conducted.
- Internships working together with practitioners in companies (2 to 6 months).
- Doctoral-level PBL which involves working on challenges proposed by the industries.
- Summer camps where participants will be able to discuss international joint research proposals together with doctoral students from global top-level universities.
Through these activities, we are working to enable coordination among researchers and engineers who occupy different positions regarding the areas of societal implementation, the development of component technology and fundamental research.
We plan to offer international opportunities as below, to establish a network and to improve participants’ communication skills.
- Going overseas independently to hone their skills (Overseas Musha-shugyo)
- International joint research
- International workshops with overseas institutes and companies.
Through these activities, we will develop human resources capable of both developing their own expertise knowledge and abilities to a higher level while also designing networks that extend into the creation of future society and foreign links with a wide variety of major players, based on these new patterns of innovation and on connecting with areas of expertise other than their own.
We guarantee the global standard quality of research and education by selection examinations, qualifying examinations (QEs), and final examinations (FSs). This program will aim to take a flexible approach in terms of the positioning and timing of master’s theses.
The students on this course will have the opportunity to receive economic support such as financial subsidies and assistance with research costs provided for Research Assistants (RA). We are also considering welcoming into the course participants from doctoral programs who, during the course of practical work in the world of industry, have developed a renewed awareness of the value of a doctoral degree.
WINGS iFS修了までのフローチャート / Flow diagram to complete WINGS iFS Program
●プログラム生募集要項 Application Guidelines for the program
2018年度秋 AY2018, Autumn
募集要項・申請書/Application Guidelines・Application Form
募集説明会資料(学内限定)/Application Guidance Materials(Internal Access Only)
2018年度春 AY2018, Spring
募集要項・申請書/Application Guidelines・Application Form
募集説明会資料(学内限定)(Application Guidance Materials(Internal Access Only))
新入生ガイダンス資料(学内限定)/Freshman Guidance Materials(Internal Access Only)
●経済支援 Financial Support
2019年度春 AY2019, Spring
経済支援審査について/Financial Support Screening Process
cv template research activity sample
2018年度秋 AY2018, Autumn
経済支援審査について/Financial Support Screening Process
cv template research activity sample